April 17, 2017


What is PMS?


When a customer submits a logo to me, I always ask what the PMS number(s) is/are.  Many times I get a confused look or the phone is quiet for a second. PMS?  No I’m not asking about medical information.  PMS stands for Pantone Matching System.  Pantone is the worldwide color standard for all industries.  From www.pantone.com  For over 50 years, Pantone has been inspiring design professionals with products, services and leading technology for the colorful exploration and expression of creativity. In 1963, Lawrence Herbert, Pantone's founder, created an innovative system for identifying, matching and communicating colors to solve the problems associated with producing accurate color matches in the graphic arts community. His insight that the spectrum is seen and interpreted differently by each individual led to the innovation of the PANTONE® MATCHING SYSTEM®, a book of standardized color in fan format.  By Defining your PMS numbers,  you will ensure you will get the color you requested.

For imprinting, there are usually 8-20 standard colors included in your price.  While these colors might be ok for your needs, when working with a logo, the PMS color will be used.  This will ensure logo uniformity across the board in any format.  Because there are hundreds of PMS colors, they are usually mixed manually and therefore might incur an extra charge.

Whatever color of the rainbow you choose, we are happy to work with you to bring your logo to life.


March 13, 2017

How Traffic Can Work For You!


Like you, when I am waiting at a light or stuck on the freeway, the first thing I do is look at the car ahead of me. I read the stickers, check out the license plate holder and tow hitch cover, and try to figure out the personalized plate if there is one.  I do a lot of driving during the week - appointments, pickups, deliveries, car pools. I am guessing I do this about 35 times a day.  If each vehicle has a bumper sticker, a license plate holder and tow cover, that is over 100 advertising impressions in one day.


With an average work commute of 29.3 minutes in California, these three items have the potential of reaching thousands of potential customers or donors during each workday.  We would love to help you, we sell all three of these items.


* Car stickers comes in standard sizes and can also be custom cut to emphasize your logo. 


* License Plate Holders are made with budget to luxury materials.   Color or metals, standard or die cut, let us help you find the perfect one.


* Tow Hitch Covers also come in a variety of materials and a fun way to make your logo pop.


Please call us, we would love to talk to you, show you samples, and prepare a custom presentation for your review. 

